Living in the US 
It has been several months since I moved to the USA, however my time here is now coming to an end as my visa is expiring (even though I tried to renew it by driving into Canada and back). As a result, I thought that I should try to re-cap how my time has been here and why I took the decision to move here.
Several factors lined up for me to take the decision to move away from Sweden. Firstly, the job I had in Sweden didn’t meet my expectations, especially after spending the past 3+ years at University. Secondly, residing in a small country town like Sveg made me feel like I didn’t have any other opportunities. And finally, although I was applying to jobs all over the country, I was unable to even secure an interview. I finally realised that it was time to do something different so I sold, gifted or stored my items and left Sweden to try my luck in New Jersey, USA.
I arrived in December and the first month was dedicated to reconnecting with family over Christmas and the New Years celebration. It was great to catch up with everyone and it always feels like you’ve only left when you arrive as you are straight back into it all.
Over the next few months, I’ve had chance to spent time between northern New Jersey and New York City, which is a city I’ll always enjoy myself in. I’ve had a chance to not only wander and see the sights but also explore and experience the nightlife across a few different boroughs and neighbourhoods. I got to experience Christmas lights and ice-skating at Rockefeller Center, the Chinese New Years Parade, I experienced Russell Simmons Def Poetry Jam on Broadway and so much more.
I even got to attend a protest in NYC, an Anti-war demonstration, a first for both myself and my parents. We travelled into the city by bus (first time on a bus, a day full of surprises). Arriving in the city, we navigated through barricades and eventually joined the people in the demonstration. We saw people carrying signs with messages such as; “Hitler, Stalin, Bush”, “In a village in Texas an Idiot is Missing” and also “If war is inevitable, start drafting SUV drivers now”! We also saw a postal van stuck in the middle with people on the roof dancing around, shouting slogans, and saw as the driver of the truck was being interviewed by some Radio/TV network. Towards the end, we left and found ourselves at the Swedish Church, a library/coffee place where they offered Swedish newspapers, candy and real coffee!
As the weather warmed, I did additional trips to NYC, including a visit to Ellis Island with my friend Vanessa and youngest brother Denis. We caught the ferry, passing the Statue of Liberty and landing on Ellis Island where we learned about the immigrants who passed through and what life was like for them in New York City.
Upon returning to Battery Park, we explored the Financial District where we saw Wall Street, the Charging Bull as well as the busy construction site at the former location of the Twin Towers.
At the end of my six months however, I felt that the time had come to leave the USA and found myself grappling with mixed emotions. I really enjoyed my time there but there just were so many things that I just dislike about the place. So I’m off, back to Europe and my homeland of Sweden, for now, uncertain but hopeful about what the future may hold for me.