Introducing the kids to the snow! 
With only 90 minutes to the snow it would be a shame if we didn’t make the most of it so we decided to introduce Xander and Eloise to the snow and show them what it’s like to go Tobogganing!
As Mount Buller, Falls Creek and Hotham ski resorts not far from where we live it’s very easy for us to just make a day trip for some skiing. However, as both Xander and Eloise are still very young and have never even seen snow before we decided to just visit Mount Buffalo National Park where it’s free to enter and all that’s available is a small hill for Tobogganing, perfect for families with young children!
On our way to Mount Buffalo we stopped at Myrtleford where we stocked up with the necessary gear; the Toboggan, snow boots for Suz and also Snow Chains which are a must as there are no such things as “Winter Tyres”.
Upon arrival Xander was very excited to get into the snow while Eloise was a bit more reserved and didn’t know what to make of it. It could also have been the fact that the clothing Eloise was wearing was a few sizes too large for her and she was almost swimming in her outfit.
Xander and I made it to the top of the Dingo Dell Tobogganing Hill, got onboard our Toboggan and headed down the hill at a rapid pace. The pace at first scared Xander but after a few more rides down the hill he kept wanting to redo it again and again!
Later on while Xander and Suz were busy having a small snowball fight, I took Eloise for a Toboggan run which she might have enjoyed or maybe not even noticed due to her not being able to see much from the inside of her clothing 😉
After a while Xander wanted to construct a snowman so we walked into some deep snow in order to start our rolling. Xander kept telling me how I needed to start with a small ball and roll it into a large one and then place a smaller ball on top of the large one…. for someone who has never made a snowman he certainly knows the steps!
Mount Buffalo was a great way to introduce the kids to the snow and who knows, maybe Xander will be ready to ski next year at one of the larger ski resorts just around the corner from us.