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April 2006

Relaxing in Khao Sok National Park.

After some hectic days on the boat, doing lots of swimming, snorkelling, diving….and of course drinking (come on people…. it’s a staff trip =))) we needed some peace and quiet, and what better place than in the middle of a National Park. We set off early in the morning, Suz …

Mantas, Mantas and more Mantas!!

Alright….so we haven’t really had the time to write until now, sorry for the delay, but we’ve been busy busy. When we left you guys last time we were just about to leave Singapore. Everything went without a hitch, we got a taxi around 5.30am and got to the airport …

After the rain…

Alright….so last time we left off at Chinatown and the fact that the rain kept us from doing anything else that day. But the rain cleared up later on and in the afternoon we just took a casual stroll through Orchard Road. This is the heart of the shopping in …