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Dinner Plain

Back to the snow!

It’s been a few years since we’ve been to the snow, mostly because of Covid and the border closures between NSW and Victoria. So when we decided to do a trip again we thought, why not visit a place we haven’t been to before, well Dinner Plain it is then! …

Sovereign Hill

Panning for Gold at Sovereign Hill

Travelling during this Covid Pandemic you certainly have to keep your options open. Our original plan was to travel to South Australia (SA) and then work our way along the coast before returning home. However, as the SA government decided to make their visitors have a negative Covid test before …

Enjoying the Snow season

For the past couple of years we have been living close to the Victorian Alps, which means that in winter we are right on the door steps of some great snow adventures! This winter took a while before we saw any snow however once it arrived it came with gusto. …

Autumn in North East Victoria

It’s now been about three months since we relocated from Sydney to Albury and since moving here, we have experienced a ‘proper’ autumn in our neighbourhood and also along the north eastern Victorian countryside which we have explored through several day trips. One of our first day trips was to the …